Tag: Strangers In

Strangers in Gothenburg

Redemption! After a few less-than-stellar outings in Honolulu and New York, I was determined not to waste my free day in Gothenburg. The weather was perfect for photos, and the streets weren’t too busy…I gave myself an hour and wow, did it ever pay off. The people of Gothenburg were […]

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Strangers in SoHo 2

The last time we visited New York, I had a great experience shooting Strangers In portraits in SoHo, and this trip I expected the same. At first I didn’t really even set out to go back to SoHo – I thought I might find a cool little spot to setup […]

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Strangers in Gastown

A quick work trip to Vancouver, BC – and this time I was prepared, not only with my trusty camera, but also with the lessons learned from my (failed) Waikiki Beach session… I set aside a full evening to properly camp out for this ‘Strangers’ shoot.  I even took the […]

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Strangers In Honolulu

A last minute attempt at fitting in a ‘Strangers’ shoot on Oahu, meant leaving my baby with Cece and my parents for an hour, and running over to Waikiki Beach on the night before we flew out. I knew I wanted to try one of these sessions while we were […]

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Strangers in Washington D.C.

A quick trip away to the Capitol for the July 4th weekend (and the 20th anniversary Foo Fighters show) was amazing, full of site seeing and museum exploring. On our last day, I left Cece at a coffee shop and set my clock for 1 hour to try and fit […]

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Étrangers à Montréal

On a quick weekend trip to Montreal for my friend’s bachelors party, I set aside an hour on an ‘on-again, off-again’ rainy afternoon to shoot some more Stranger portraits.  

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Strangers in South Beach

The colours and characters of South Beach in Miami – I couldn’t ask for a better spot to set up shop for some Stranger Portraits!  

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Strangers In SoHo

For my fourth time out for this project, I wanted to find a really cool backdrop for my photos. I walked around SoHo for about 20 minutes, analyzing and debating over the best street until finally, after seeing about 30 really cool people walk past, just stopped on the corner […]

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Strangers In Reykjavik

Our last day on our photo-filled vacation to Iceland, and I still hadn’t pencilled in any time for some stranger portraits – we’d been so busy every day that I never had the energy! Well, a great breakfast before we headed to the airport on our last day was seemingly […]

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Strangers in Pittsburgh

My second attempt at my ‘Stranger In’ series. This time, I had a free hour walking around downtown Pittsburgh, PA.

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