Ryan Tomko


Ryan Tomko is a travel and lifestyle photographer based out of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. From the neon green Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle camera he received for his sixth birthday, to countless Nikon models and now finally to his trusty little Fuji, Ryan is never without a camera. Ryan is passionate about travelling the world, and experiencing life to its fullest through interactions with the people he meets. Music is very close to his heart, and he will drop almost anything for the opportunity to shoot one of his favourite bands.

Latest Posts

Strangers in Gothenburg

Redemption! After a few less-than-stellar outings in Honolulu and New York, I was determined not to waste my free day in Gothenburg. The weather was perfect for photos, and the streets weren’t too busy…I gave myself an hour and wow, did it ever pay off. The people of Gothenburg were […]

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Quick Trip to…Sweden!

When it was announced that our hometown NHL team the Edmonton Oilers were going to play their first-ever overseas regular season game in Gothenburg, Sweden, I jumped at the chance to buy tickets to this once-in-a-lifetime event. I immediately texted my friends and asked who was in for the season […]

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Strangers in SoHo 2

The last time we visited New York, I had a great experience shooting Strangers In portraits in SoHo, and this trip I expected the same. At first I didn’t really even set out to go back to SoHo – I thought I might find a cool little spot to setup […]

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New York Anniversary Trip

Being a parent is hard work!  We are very fortunate that we have two sets of parents that live close by, who offered to long-term babysit our little peanut for a few days so Cecilia and I could go on a little adventure on our own. We looked at a lot […]

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Strangers in Gastown

A quick work trip to Vancouver, BC – and this time I was prepared, not only with my trusty camera, but also with the lessons learned from my (failed) Waikiki Beach session… I set aside a full evening to properly camp out for this ‘Strangers’ shoot.  I even took the […]

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We Have To Go Back!

At only three months old, we figured our little Henry was ready to take his very first airplane ride. That first airplane ride was actually the first of 5 we would take on this awesome adventure, to the islands of Oahu and Maui in Hawaii.  This trip came about because […]

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Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo 2016

Always one of the most fun weekends of the year, the 2016 Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo didn’t disappoint! Another year armed with my trusty press pass, this time for an experimental new website that I co-created with a friend (that has since faded into obscurity).  There’s always so much […]

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Strangers In Honolulu

A last minute attempt at fitting in a ‘Strangers’ shoot on Oahu, meant leaving my baby with Cece and my parents for an hour, and running over to Waikiki Beach on the night before we flew out. I knew I wanted to try one of these sessions while we were […]

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Summer in the Desert

The summer of 2016, we spent exploring some dry, dusty deserts. Some locations were very familiar, and some were new (to us), but both brought lots of excitement and left us with wonderful memories. First up was a quick weekend in fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada.  We looked up one of […]

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Welcome to the World, Little Henry Clark

On April 17, 2017, at precisely 10:18 pm, my world was forever changed when my lovely wife Cecilia gave birth to our first son, Henry Clark Tomko.

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